Friday, October 17, 2014

"I am not naïve enough to believe that doing away with the Second Amendment would do away with gun violence, but I know firsthand the impact of guns and gun shots on children. This nation was constructed and reconstructed in the aftermath of violent and bloody conflicts. Still, the Framers believed that not only the Constitution, but also the peaceful way the document was created, would penetrate the Americans' minds and change they engaged. The Constitution would be the only weapon needed unless there was an external enemy".

This quote by Price provides the perfect reason why the Second Amendment, which is the right to bear arms, should be abolished. The reason being is the extensive history the U.S has with gun violence against our children. These include the massacre at Columbine in April of 1999, Virginia Tech in April of 2007, and Sandy Hook Elementary in School in December 2012. Each of these massacres involve multiple murders of very young children, at minimum 6 years old, to teens in high school and adolescents in college. The right to bear arms has been taken full advantage of by those who believe it is justifiable to take another's life. It is also a wrongdoing by those who put firearms in the hands of those under 21 years of age and without a license.

I chose this quote to talk about because in my opinion, there are people out in today's modern world who are insensitive to the killings that have been done towards our youth. The killers of the victims can arguably be children as well, so it is a shame to see how history for the youth is becoming nowadays. Price pointed out the best reason why we can push to start the process of exterminating gun violence, although in reality it will not die away in its entirety. I also found it interesting that she said the Constitution is the only document fit enough to make American realize what its intention is to do, which is give society structure in a peaceful manner.

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